Friday, 14 December 2012

Dec 15th

More children killed in a school shooting.

When you have children at primary school yourself it doesnt take much imagination to be able to put yourselves in the shoes of those parents, families, friends.  That community.   The family of the gunman who have lost at least two people and will now have to forever live with the horror.    What a nightmare

‎"A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more." Matthew 2:18, cf. Jeremiah 31:15

Im sure that all of us who are old enough to remember it were instantly taken back to Dunblane and the trauma of that moment when we in the UK realised that it can happen anywhere at any time.  Even in a sleepy Scottish town, minding its own business in a country with gun laws where this sort of thing just does not happen.    And those of us who know the Bible story may also reflect on the actions of Herod 2000 years ago who, in a fit of jealous rage, ordered the death of all male infants across his whole kingdom - who knows how many deaths ?   History says it never happened.  The Bible says it did.   Having seen once again today the lows to which humanity can stoop I am sadly more than willing to believe the Bible.

God has an enemy.  His name is Satan.  He hates children with a passion because he knows all their potential for good and how powerfully God can use them if He has access to their lives.   The Bible tells us that Satan prowls around like a lion looking for someone to devour.  Today that person was a troubled young man who had access to a gun. 

And where was God?  Was He hiding behind a table terrified?  Was He busy elsewhere and where he turned back to look ........   was He unable to intervene, powerless in the face of evil?  


He was right there, with those kids and teachers as they died.  Standing in front of each of them and asking them if they would like to go with Him.   Standing there with holes in his hands and His feet saying ' Its OK.   Death is not the end.  Look, I have been through it.  Follow me'

And where is He now?

He is with the parents who have lost their children.  Reaching out to them saying ' I know how it feels to have my innocent child slaughtered.   My heart has been broken.  I understand your grief.  Let me comfort you, let me speak to you.  Death is not the end'.

Lord we join with the millions who are praying right now for the situation in Sandy Hook Elementary School, and for those in Dunblane and Columbine and other places who have been reminded of their own losses once again.   We know that You comfort those who mourn and pray that Your comfort would be received by each heart that is devastated today.  Thank you that You sit in heaven with holes in your hands, feet and side - you understand physical pain and suffering.   You did not deserve to die either.  And yet You chose to die so that death could be defeated and eternity could be ours.  I pray that as You stood before each of those dying children and teachers their eyes were opened to see You, they heard Your call and took Your hand.
May we too, when our turn comes, put our trust in the One who loves us to death and say ' Yes Lord'.

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