Monday 3 December 2012

Dec 4th

How to hide Jesus

There are people after Jesus.  
They have seen the signs.
Quick, let’s hide Him.
Let’s think; carpenter,  
fishermen’s friend,
disturber of religious comfort

Let’s award Him a degree in theology,
a purple cassock                                                                   

and a position of respect.
They’ll never think of looking here.             

Let’s think;
His dialect may betray Him,
His tongue is of the masses.
Let’s teach Him Latin                                        
and seventeenth century English,
they’ll never think of listening in.

Let’s think;
Man of Sorrows,
nowhere to lay His head.
We’ll build a house for Him,
somewhere away from the poor.
We’ll fill it with brass and silence.
It’s sure to throw them off.                                                         
There are people after Jesus.
Quick, let’s hide Him.

By Steve Turner ( Up To Date 1993)
This speaks for itself really

Lord, as we approach Christmas, help us to see past all the things which society through the ages has added to the story.  Help us see past our own cultural nonsense, man made traditions, and even the beauty and majesty of cathedrals and choral singing and stained glass and holly and ivy.   This is the time of year when we remember your humble, simple origins. teachings, way of life.  We have made it so complicated.  Forgive us.

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